
From half-timbered house to high-rise and back again?

25.11.2020 - Notes

In mid-November Joachim Wendt, managing director at schneider+schumacher, was a speaker at the Street University. Entitled “From half-timbered house to high-rise and back again?” he chose to look at Frankfurt -“the smallest metropolis in the world’- from an urban and architectural standpoint. Joachim went on to outline urban development from the 19th to the 21st century, drawing comparisons with other cities with a skyline. He then illuminated Frankfurt’s high-rise plan, the city’s layout, and plans for its future expansion, as well as presenting the New Old Town project.

The Street University is a lecture series for homeless people, founded in October 2019 by the Franziskustreff Foundation, the Catholic Adult Education programme, and the Polytechnic Society Foundation. The educational programme aims to communicate academic issues in a way that is comprehensible and accessible, and to introduce students to interesting fields of knowledge. According to current estimates, there are some 12,700 homeless people living in Frankfurt.

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