
Space for inspiration

02.05.2018 - Notes

Five hundred square metres, six and a half metres high, with a self-supporting timber structure covered with a translucent membrane – this is the Frankfurt Pavilion, a new landmark for the Frankfurt Book Fair (10-14 October 2018). Planned and implemented by schneider+schumacher, this is destined to be an iconic edifice for events featuring authors and international experts of literature.

The challenge was to create a temporary yet robust structure that could be easily stored, and then erected again. To ensure its sustainability for forthcoming trade fair events too, the exact positioning of the pavilion had to take into account the other buildings, stages and commercial interests within the Agora.

Photo, left to right: Kai Otto, Till Schneider (both schneider+schumacher), Andreas Rutschmann, Ulrich Storck (both Bollinger + Grohmann), Ragunath Vasudevan (schneider+schumacher), Lars Birken-Bertsch and Juergen Boos (both Frankfurt Book Fair), Photo: © Kirsten Bucher

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