
Sustainable Building

20.07.2017 - Lectures

German quality is highly requested on the Chinese market, especially when it comes to sustainable building. Therefore, the German Society for Sustainable Building, DGNB, and the China Construction Technology Consulting, CCTC, launched the German-Chinese Forum for Sustainable Building 2017. The aim of the forum is to encourage the communication and cooperation between the two countries on this issue. Among the speakers at the forum will be Joachim Wendt, managing director at schneider+schumacher. He will present various projects of our internationally operating architectural practice, which also has a location in the Chinese city of Tianjin.

The lecture, entitled "Mit Blick aufs Ganze: nachhaltiges Bauen – Tendenz des Baumarkts" ("Looking at the whole: sustainable building – a tendency of the construction market"), will take place as part of the forum on Tuesday, the 25th of July, in Beijing.

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