
Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Island Bridges in Offenbach

18.09.2014 - Lectures

The groundbreaking ceremony for the Island Bridges in Offenbach that have been planned by schneider+schumacher took place on Friday, September 19, at 11 am. Offenbach harbor opens up to the west towards Frankfurt and affords a spectacular view of its neighbor’s skyline. And even following its transformation into a new urban district, the harbor basin has still retained the genus loci of the place. The planning of two new bridges should not ruin the parameters that dictate the quality of this location: the proximity to water and the far-reaching views. The design is thus governed by the idea of being unobtrusive yet memorable at the same time. This effect is created by a cautious architectural language being expressed through the use of appropriate materials – steel, concrete, and asphalt.

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