
BauNetz-Ranking coined by continuity

10.09.2014 - Notes

According to the BauNetz-Ranking, schneider+schumacher has been one of Germany’s best architecture firms for two years in a row with a position always among the Top 5. The ranking identifies the quality of a practice by taking into account the frequency of its mentioning in the specialized press. The following publications are the basis for the national comparison: Bauwelt, Baumeister, DBZ, db, Detail, Wettbewerbe Aktuell (German magazines) plus six foreign journals (architecture – until 12/2006, Architectural Review, a+u, architektur.aktuell, L’architecture d’aujourd’hui – since 01/2007, Werk Bauen und Wohnen, domus). Considering the international floor, schneider+schumacher has been able to defend its status as Germany’s Nr.1 now for six months. The international ranking evaluates two German periodicals (Bauwelt, Detail) plus the six foreign publications that have already been mentioned.

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