Topping-out ceremony in Wildgarten

A brightly decorated tree sits atop one of the two eight-storey residential brick buildings, marking another milestone for the residential project entitled ‘Wildgarten – Wohnen am Rosenhügel’ in Vienna’s 12th district. In mid-January the client, ARE Austrian Real Estate Development GmbH, and the general planners GERSTL BAU GmbH & Co KG, invited guests to the topping-out ceremony. A team at schneider+schumacher Wien are acting as general planners for residential project, consisting of 14 blocks of two to eight storeys each, all of which have now reached their final height. Since breaking ground less than a year ago, 160,000 Wienerbeger bricks have been laid. All 157 apartments are due to be completed by the end of 2024.
The project, which has already qualified for the so-called Klimaactiv (‘Silver’ standard) pre-certification, prioritises the use of durable ecological building materials. All 14 blocks are built of monolithic brickwork, and some of the timber/aluminium window frames have already been installed. all the flat roofs will be planted as green roofs at a later date.
This project has been developed in close cooperation with the brick manufacturer Wienerberger and these two eight storey-high blocks are the first of their kind in the world to employ monolithic brickwork with integrated insulation, whereby the above-ground structure will be erected in ceramic-faced brickwork.
Photo above: Stefan Seelig
Photos right: tschinkersten