Flagship project for Frankfurt

“The Städtische Bühnen could become a flagship project for Frankfurt with a comprehensive organizational, spatial and energy-efficient remodelling, and its appeal would extend far beyond the city limits,” says Till Schneider in a statement addressing the current debate on how to deal with the double opera/theatre complex in Frankfurt. According to Schneider, the key feature of this venue is that the two performance spaces are united in one building by means of a single foyer. This exceptional feature does not exist anywhere else in the world and Frankfurt can be justifiably proud of it. Furthermore, Till Schneider regards Willy-Brandt-Platz as the ideal location for the Städtische Bühnen.
Michael Schumacher is of the same opinion. He believes that the way to deal with architecture today is to upgrade buildings that have developed over time to meet current requirements – as opposed to replacing them altogether with new landmark buildings. “Besides, Frankfurt doesn’t need a landmark building: we have the skyline.”
In the current issue of the publication ‘Planerin’ with its cover story ‘Conversion culture – Building transformation without demolition’, Astrid Wuttke, a partner at schneider+schumacher, argues for establishing a public culture of building transformation. In an appeal to public sector clients, she says: “It is crucially urgent that clients who are responsible for the public sector act as role models, by implementing projects that make sense for society as a whole. It will be interesting to see how the city councillors vote this time round.”
The full statements can be accessed via the following links:
Statement by Till Schneider
Statement by Michael Schumacher
A plea for a public culture of building transformation by Astrid Wuttke
Photo above: Birgit Hupfeld
Photo, above right: Nazariy Kryvosheyev
Photo, below right: Kirsten Bucher