New roof for Frankfurt bus terminal

In future, passengers will no longer have to stand around in the rain and the sun at Frankfurt‘s bus terminal. Ten of the fourteen bus stops at the long-distance bus terminal built by CA Immo are about to be roofed over. Planned by schneider+schumacher, the roof covers an area of some 1000sqm and consists of a sustainable wooden structure supported on steel and concrete – it will also contribute to improving the local microclimate through greening. Construction is due to be completed by the end of May or early June.
The design consists of 22 elements on as many supports, which together form a multi-facetted structure made up of surfaces and edges. At night, lighting accentuates this geometrically complex structure.
The bus terminal is located south of the main station, right next to two other projects by schneider+schumacher: the Hotel am Hauptbahnhof and the adjacent multi-storey car park.